How To Use Style Photoshop

Photoshop provides a variety of effects—such as shadows, glows, and bevels—that change the appearance of a layer’s contents in a non-distructive way. Layer effects are linked to the layer contents. When you move or edit the contents of the layer, the same effects are applied to the modified contents. For example, if you apply a drop shadow to a text layer and then add new text, the shadow is added automatically to the new text.A layer style is one or more effects applied to a layer or layer group. You can apply one of the preset styles provided with Photoshop or create a custom style using the Layer Style dialog box.

  1. How To Use Layer Style In Photoshop
  2. How To Use Layer Styles In Photoshop Cs6
  3. Photoshop Glow Styles

Step 2: Select the text layer from the Layers window at the right side of Photoshop. Step 3: Choose the Horizontal Type Tool from the toolbar. Step 4: Click in the middle of your text to make the text layer active, then press Ctrl + A on your keyboard to select all of that text. Jan 17, 2018 - NOTE: The Styles are in the Program FilesAdobePhotoshop CS6PresetsStyles folder (where 6 is the Photoshop version) and use the.asl.

The layer effects icon appears to the right of the layer’s name in the Layers panel. You can expand the style in the Layers panel to view or edit the effects that compose the style.You can apply multiple effects in a single layer style. Also, more than one instance of some effects can comprise a layer style.

How To Use Layer Style In Photoshop

This setting allows you to set one “master” lighting anglethat is then available in all the layer effects that use shading:Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, and Bevel and Emboss. In any of theseeffects, if Use Global Light is selected and you set a lightingangle, that angle becomes the global lighting angle.

Any other effectthat has Use Global Light selected automatically inherits the sameangle setting. If Use Global Light is deselected, the lighting angleyou set is “local” and applies only to that effect. You can alsoset the global lighting angle by choosing Layer Style Global Light. Specifies the gradient of a layer effect. Click the gradientto display the Gradient Editor, or click the inverted arrow andchoose a gradient from the pop‑up panel. You can edit a gradientor create a new gradient using the Gradient Editor. You can editthe color or opacity in the Gradient Overlay panel the same wayyou edit them in the Gradient Editor.


For some effects, you can specifyadditional gradient options. Reverse flips the orientation of thegradient, Align With Layer uses the bounding box of the layer tocalculate the gradient fill, and Scale scales the application ofthe gradient.

You can also move the center of the gradient by clickingand dragging in the image window. Style specifies the shape of the gradient. Specifies the pattern of a layer effect. Click the pop‑uppanel and choose a pattern.

Click the New Preset button tocreate a new preset pattern based on the current settings. ClickSnap To Origin to make the origin of the pattern the same as theorigin of the document (when Link With Layer is selected), or toplace the origin at the upper-left corner of the layer (if LinkWith Layer is deselected). Select Link With Layer if you want thepattern to move along with the layer as the layer moves.

Drag theScale slider or enter a value to specify the size of the pattern.Drag a pattern to position it in the layer; reset the position byusing the Snap To Origin button. The Pattern option is not availableif no patterns are loaded. Specifies the style of a bevel: Inner Bevel creates a bevelon the inside edges of the layer contents; Outer Bevel creates abevel on the outside edges of the layer contents; Emboss simulatesthe effect of embossing the layer contents against the underlyinglayers; Pillow Emboss simulates the effect of stamping the edgesof the layer contents into the underlying layers; and Stroke Emboss confinesembossing to the boundaries of a stroke effect applied to the layer.(The Stroke Emboss effect is not visible if no stroke is appliedto the layer.).

How To Use Layer Styles In Photoshop Cs6

Smooth, Chisel Hard, and Chisel Soft are available forbevel and emboss effects; Softer and Precise apply to Inner Glowand Outer Glow effects.SmoothBlurs the edges of a matte slightly and is useful for alltypes of mattes, whether their edges are soft or hard. It does notpreserve detailed features at larger sizes.Chisel HardUses a distance measurement technique and is primarily usefulon hard-edged mattes from anti-aliased shapes such as type. It preservesdetailed features better than the Smooth technique.Chisel SoftUses a modified distance measurement technique and, although notas accurate as Chisel Hard, is more useful on a larger range ofmattes. It preserves features better than the Smooth technique.SofterApplies a blur and is useful on all types of mattes, whethertheir edges are soft or hard.

Photoshop Glow Styles

At larger sizes, Softer does not preservedetailed features.PreciseUses a distance measurement technique to create a glow andis primarily useful on hard-edged mattes from anti-aliased shapessuch as type. It preserves features better than the Softer technique. Applies a texture. Use Scale to scale the size of the texture.Select Link With Layer if you want the texture to move along withthe layer as the layer moves. Invert inverts the texture. Depthvaries the degree and direction (up/down) to which the texturingis applied.

Snap To Origin makes the origin of the pattern the sameas the origin of the document (if Link With Layer is deselected)or places the origin in the upper-left corner of the layer (if LinkWith Layer is selected). Drag the texture to position it in thelayer.Double-click a style in the Styles panel.If the Styles panel is set to display styles as thumbnails, entera new name in the dialog box and click OK. Otherwise, typea new name directly in the Styles panel and press Enter (Windows)or Return (Mac OS).Select a style in the Styles area of the Layer Styledialog box. Then choose Rename Style from the pop‑up menu, entera new name, and click OK.When using a shape or Pen tool, select a style fromthe Style pop‑up panel in the options bar. Then choose Rename Stylefrom the pop‑up panel menu.