Sith Ships Old Republic
Sticky notes default font. (For your information I will refer to The Old Republic as SWTOR) This game is a true disappointment, it is exactly like WoW. The only difference is that SWTOR got a shallow storyline and World of Warcraft doesn't even have one.
Dec 12, 2011 - There are currently six starships in the game, with the Jedi and Sith classes. Astute Knights of the Old Republic players will remember a few. 'The Fury-class interceptor is a starship available to players of both the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor classes. The Fury is a favorite vessel among the Sith Lords, as it includes highly sophisticated technology and weapons systems; even given the fact that the focus of the ship's design is functionality, this vessel remains very versatile and luxurious.
Old Republic Sith Ships
You probably think that I hate MMO's but I actually enjoyed Star wars: Galaxies quite much to be honest. SWTOR devolved back quite a bit in comparison to Star Wars Galaxies. The space combat in SWTOR is a true disappointment and the game should not be purchased by people itching for a exciting dogfight. If you like World of Warcraft you will like this because it's almost exactly the same thing, but none wants to admit it. If you on the other hand are as me and was hoping for a well-made game with much depth and story I am sorry to break the bad news to you.