Star Wars Cis Capital Ships
Can you name the Star Wars Ships? Test your knowledge on this movies quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others. Republic Capital Ship: CIS Fighter: Advanced CIS Fighter: CIS Capital Ship: General Grievous' Flagship: Darth Maul's Ship: Imperial Superweapon: play quizzes ad-free. 16 Little Star Wars Pictograms 576; Complete.
Cis Star Wars
Traitorous Terrorists “Our friends from the Trade Federation have pledged their support. And when their Battle Droids are combined with yours, we shall have an army greater than any in the galaxy.
The Jedi will be overwhelmed. The Republic will agree to any demands we make.„ Count Dooku to the Separatist Council.The Confederacy of Independent Systems ( CIS for short), also known as the Separatist Alliance, the Separatist Movement, and the Separatists, is a government and separatist movement led by (and secretly controlled by ) who had motives to leave the Galactic Republic. This government consists of about 35 members.There were numerous reasons planets joined the Confederacy; some were frustrated about how corrupt the Republic had become, others left the Republic because the Republic failed to help them in war aftermaths, famines or other disasters. But the Separatists did help those planets recover, grateful for their help, so the planet always swore loyalty to the Confederacy.They serve as the main antagonistic faction of Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith as well as the main antagonistic faction of The Clone Wars and much of the Star Wars prequel trilogy as a whole. Star Wars The Clone Wars - The battle of the Outer Rim TerritoriesNavigation VillainsBounty Hunters Confederacy of Independent SystemsLeaders: Separatist Council: Military Leaders: Other Officials: Soldiers: Leaders: Imperial Officers: Other Officials and Operatives: Soldiers: Leaders: : Imperial Officers: Organizations: Other Officials and Operatives: Soldiers.
Whenever anyone talks about the best ships of Star Wars the answer is immediately the Incom T-65XJ X-Wing or the old reliable YT-1300 transport that is the Millenium Falcon. You might even make a strong case for one of those awesome Mon Calamari Cruisers, or Darth Vader’s ridiculously massive super Star Destroyer.
But you probably won’t list any of the ships from the prequels among your favorites because, well let’s face it, everything about the original Star Wars movies, right down to the ship designs, is better.But that doesn’t mean the Star Wars prequels don’t have a few pretty cool ships of their own. So rather than arguing yet again over whether or not the Corellian Corvette or the Tie-Advanced is a cooler ride, here’s a look at the ten most awesome ships from The Phantom Menace (back in theaters this weekend), Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith.Eta-2 Actis Class Light InterceptorThe ship with the most ridiculous name may also be the best fighter in the prequel universe. The Eta-2 is also known as the Jedi Interceptor, and it’s the ship Jedi flew into battle late in the Clone Wars. You see a lot of them in Revenge of the Sith. It’s probably not an accident that this 5.47 meters long ship looks like a hybrid between a TIE-Fighter and a more traditional fighter. Obviously this design will eventually morph into the Empire’s hordes of deadly little TIEs. I always imagined that victory star destroyers were used in the clone wars, youd think with space technology being roughly developed across a galaxy would leave alota the same tech for 10s to 30s of years with designs and ships lsasting for hundreds if thier not blown up atleast that was what i thought etc when reading the books ðŸ™x81i realy was sorta hopin to see a dreadnaugth fleet and victory star destroyers although i do sort of like the droid ships the uhh ones that carry thier fleets.
Atleast thier sorta practical for mining i would assume etc. That and the Victory class Star Destroyer was not a direct combat ship it was a support ship utilizing turbo lasers and missiles and torpedoes for long range fire support. While the Venator was a multi role ship it could function as a carrier with its around 400 fighters/interceptors roughly 40 fighter/bombers and 40 LAAT class planetary gunships that could also be used to devastating effect in space.
Or a command ship for base operations due to the fact that the Venator was one of the few capital ships capable of landing directly onto the surface of a planet and unloading thousands of troops and dozens of military walkers directly into battle. And of course it could also function as war ship due to its heavy armament of 8 dual heavy turbo laser turrets, normal turbo lasers, proton torpedoes and a heavy artillery beam cannon capable of outright destroying a destroyer in one shot. A few corrections on the ‘Republic Attack Cruiser’.
First its actually a Venetor-class Star destroyer. Second, the article mentions that the Star destroyers in the original trilogy are Victory-class Star destroyers. This is not true, in the original trilogy we see the Imperial 1 class (only seen once in A new hope) and the Imperial 2 class. The Victory-class is a Clone wars precursor to the imperial class and although mentioned heavily in source material predating the prequels it is never seen on screen. The same for the Dreaghtnought-class heavy cruiser by the way. I have alot of problems with this list. Specially this.
Star Wars Republic Capital Ships
The Recusant-Class Light Destroyer was indeed used heavily during the Clone Wars but Grievous’s command ship was a heavily modified Providence-class carrier/destroyer. Said that I would also add the Providence-class carrier/destroyer due it’s badass design and firepower it had. Also I dont know why the Munificent-class star frigate wasn’t mentioned since it was the backbone of the Separatist Fleet. They weren’t that good but in a pack of them they are deadly.
Your missing ships like the Mandator MKII dreadnaught that was capable of single handily withstanding and destroying a fleet of 1,000 separatist destroyers and was powered by a reactor powerful enough to power a entire planet. Or the new republic Viscount Star Defender class Dreadnaught that was 17,000 meters long and had over 5,000 weapon systems. Or the Sun crusher a small fighter sized craft with firepower dwarfing even the death stars it was armed with the power to blow up entire star systems and was virtually indestructible and han solo once rammed it straight through the bridge of a star destroy shields and all. It was also able to perfectly repel turbo laser shots.