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Pengantar Sistem Informasi Data Resource ManagementOutline 1.Data Governance 2.Master Data vs Transaction’s Data 3.The Database Approach 4.DBMS 5.Data WareHouse 6.Big Data 7.Career @Database SkillData Governance is an approach to managing information across an entire organization. DAMA International Tata Kelola Data IBM(Sunil Soares, 2011)Master Data vs Transaction’s Data Master data are a set of core data, such as customer, product, employee, vendor, geographic location, and so on, that span the enterprise information systems. Transaction data, which are generated and captured by operational systems, describe the business’s activities, or transactions.The Database Approach Minimizes the following problems: Data redundancy Data isolation Data inconsistency Data security Data integrity Data independenceData Model integration of concepts that used for data explanation, data relation and data constraint to keep data integrity. Data Model = Logical Data Structure Data Model types: – Hierarchy – Network – Relasional – Objek OrientedThe Database ApproachAplikasi Penggajian Laporan Berkas Gaji Berkas Pegawai Aplikasi Pelatihan Laporan Berkas Pelatihan Berkas PegawaiThe Database Approach Aplikasi Penggajian Laporan Berkas Gaji Berkas Pegawai Aplikasi Pelatihan Laporan Berkas PelatihanDesigning the Database A data model is a diagram that represents entities in the database and their relationships. Entity-Relationship ModelingVarious methods of ER-DER-Diagram exampleDBMS Software used to create and manage a database; it also provides tools for ensuring security, replication, retrieval, and other administrative and housekeeping tasks. Examples:Database in Action - Ms.

MEMBUAT DATABASE SEDERHANA DENGAN MS.ACCESS 2007 Published: Selasa, Mei 01, 2012 Author: Eko Yuliyanto S. Masukkan file name misalkan Aplikasi Penjuala n barang di Koperasi kemudian klik “Create. Peserta difasilitasi modul belajar video tutorial yg bisa di download dan dipelajari online ataupun offline, Peserta juga bisa konsultasi.

AccessDBMS in Action Aplikasi Penggajian Berkas Pegawai Aplikasi Pelatihan Laporan DBMS Permintaan PemutahiranData Warehouse A central data repository containing information drawn from multiple sources that can be used for analysis, intelligence gathering, and strategic planning.E xtract, T ransform, L oad Extract data from its home database Transform and cleanse it so that it adheres to common data definitions. Load to the data warehouse locationBig Data “collections of data that are so enormous in size, so varied in content, and so fast to accumulate that they are difficult to store and analyze using traditional approaches” The 3 V concepts: Volume. Data collections can take up petabytes of storage, and are continually growing. Many data sources change and grow at very fast speeds.

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The nightly ETL process often used for data warehouses is not adequate for many real-time demands. Relational databases are very efficient for structured information stored in tables, but businesses can benefit from analyzing semi-structured and unstructured data as well.Career @DatabaseExplore this 1)Normalization method 2)DDL vs DML 3)Data Mining 4)Data Mart 5)OLTP vs OLAP 6)ORMReferensi 1)Patricia Wallace, Introduction to Information Systems, Prentice Hall (2014). Kelly Rainer, Brad Prince & Casey G. Cegielski, Introduction to Information Systems Supporting and Transforming Business,Wiley (2013).

Seperti, berikut ini merupakan contoh lain script PHP dan MySQL sederhana yang akan menampilkan dan pengolahan data pegawai. Contoh ini juga merupakan jawaban dari untuk semester Genap 2007/2008 beberapa waktu lalu. Semoga contoh ini bermanfaat untuk semua.Fitur dari contoh ini:. Halaman depan (index.php) yang mengontrol tampilan dan hanya informasi.

Halaman untuk entri data pegawai, termasuk entri foto. Halaman untuk melihat data pegawai, termasuk link untuk edit, delete, dan melihat foto pegawai. Halaman untuk edit data pegawai. Halaman untuk delete data pegawai. Halaman untuk melihat foto pegawai (foto.php)Database yang digunakan hanya terdiri dari satu tabel, yaitu tabel pegawai. Untuk struktur tabelnya dapat dilihat, dan juga tersedia struktur聽 dan data dalam bentuk sql di contoh ini. Jangan lupa mengubah informasi login ke database yang ada di file koneksi.php.Download contoh lengkap:.

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