Steam Tunnel For Shrink Sleeves

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  1. Steam Tunnel For Shrink Sleeve
  2. Used Steam Tunnel
  3. Shrink Band Applicator Machine

Steam Tunnel For Shrink Sleeve

Electric Heat & Steam Tunnels Heat Tunnel – Table Top. This tunnel can be used for a variety of purposes including; L-Bar Sealer & Heat Tunnel Combo Unit. These models include an attached Heat Tunnel. SM 1230 & SM 2535 Heat Tunnels. For those of you filling your own beverage bottles and cans. Our Steam Tunnel is used for applying full body shrink sleeves, neckbands and multi-packs to products. Size is 2 meter. Karlville continues to lead global innovation with the introduction of our 2 Meter STEAMER. The Steamer 2M can handle up to 200 bottles per minute.


Please call to discuss. BoE Account is required to Place Offers and request shipping quotes. BoE does not require Sellers to list their machines exclusively with BoE. If a Seller has sold an Item, BoE will try to assist in locating another unit. More questions, give us a call at 847-854-8577 or try our.

Used Steam Tunnel

Shrink wrap heat tunnel machine

Shrink Band Applicator Machine

Lal dupatta malmal ka mp3 song download pagalworld zip file. Karlville continues to lead global innovation with the introduction of our 2 Meter STEAMER. The Steamer 2M can handle up to 200 bottles per minute. The Steamer design, with an integrated boiler, allows companies to save money and time because they do not need to install standalone steam boiler on site.The internal design of the tunnel, along with the dual blower exhaust system allows for a high-temperature generation with consistent internal pressure and low power consumptionTo learn more about our Steamer email us at