From Dust Activation Code
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We based our work on the excellent post over but contrary to the author, we did not try out multiple sensors and we are using an Arduino Fio.In this tutorial, we’ll focus on how to get your Sharp Optical Dust Sensor to work and what to watch out for.In addition, we will try to provide European shop references and prices in € where possible. Components. Arduino Fio – 21.57 €. FTDI Basic Breakout 3.3V – 14.52 €. Sharp Optical Dust Sensor #GP2Y1010AU0F – 10.75 € –.
6-pin TE 1.5mm pitch connector cable #A100196-ND – 1.2 €. 220 uF Capacitor. 150 Ω Resistor. Breadboard. M/M jumper cablesSetup Prerequisites. Able to upload sketches via the Arduino IDE to your ArduinoIn the figure below you can see the overall setup using an Arduino Fio and the Sharp Dust sensor using a classical Breadboard.Even though you may use an Xbee shield to load your sketches wirelessly, we use a FTDI breakout board here to connect to our PC. Sharp Dust SensorAttached To1 (V-LED)3.3V Pin (150 Ohm in between)2 (LED-GND)GND Pin3 (LED)Digital Pin 124 (S-GND)GND Pin5 (Vo)Analog Pin A66 (Vcc)3.3V Pin (Direct)CodeAll updated code and schematics can be found on our.Before launching the code, there are couple of points which are important.
How to interpret the output signalIn the figure below taken from the datasheet, you can see that the Dust density grows linearly with respect to the output voltage (Vo).In line 52 of the code, we implemented the formula of the linear regression that approximatively follows this curve (courtesy of Chris Nafis).This will allow us to map output voltages to Dust densities in mg/m³. Linear range of the Sharp sensorIn addition, on an Arduino, any analog pin will map voltages between integer values from 0-1023 which can be mapped back to a “real” voltage value.For the Fio, we therefore multiply the analog reading by 3.3/1024.0 and for the Uno, you will want to multiply the reading by 5.0/1024.0.Import ant: Be sure to add the trailing zero in these calculations, because if you do not put at least one, you will end up with a nasty bug where all your results will be 0.
(Hint: integer division in C) 2. Sampling timesAccording to the datasheet, we need to switch on the internal LED and wait for 280 µs (microsecond) before measuring the output signal and the duration of the whole excitation pulse should be 320 µs.We therefore pause for another 40 µs before switching off the LED again. I tried it but I continuously receive 0 values, sometimes 10, 17. Maybe concentrations in the air were low. Have you tested it with cigarettes?In any case I have a IMPORTANT QUESTION: I don’t understand why at line 37 of your code, to turn on the LED you set it as LOW (digitalWrite(ledPower,LOW)). The same happen at line 43 where, to power off the LED, you set it as HIGH (digitalWrite(ledPower,HIGH))I’m quite new in Arduino, thus can you explain me the aforementioned question?Regards,Luca.
I will port the conversation from a to here, where it belongs:marcviader commentedDear friends,first of all, just say many thanks for your project.I would like to ask which size of Particles is measuring the sensor? Or others?If I am not wrong, the Dust sensors normally read µg/m3 but of some fixed size particles.PM10, PM2.5, PM0.5sothose sensors usually measures which concentration of some specific diameter particles. I have built the sensor with my Arduino UNO and it works, but I am interested to measure PM2.5 or PM0.5, so I need to know which ones measures the Sharp sensor when it gives the data in µg/m3.Thanks in advanceMarcserialc commentedHi Marc,The Sharp sensor does not measure particle size. Hi Marc,While this may work in certain cases you are likely to encounter some very erroneous results when larger dust arrives in the Sharp sensor. The Sharp sensor does not distinguish PM size – I assume the Dylos has a filter or some PM size specific measurement technique but don’t know.As soon as you get a PM10 particle size in the Sharp sensor and assume you are receiving PM0.5 amounts your readings will be very wrong.If this is for research why not invest in the Dylos sensor and do some comparisons of various particle sizes?Cheers,Cyrille.
Hi,In my room, I tried with the code and hardware connection as guided above and got the result below. Hi Trefex,I want to collect datas from dust sensor then send those datas to Web via Ethernet.Here is my experiment environment– Arduino UNO R3– Arduino Ethernet Shield 2– Sharp Dust Sensor GP2Y1010AU0F– 220 uF Capacitor, 150 Ω Resistor, breadboard, some jumper cablesThe dust sensor worked on the Arduino. The Arduino can fetch datas (raw signal values) like what you posted, which ranges from 200350 in an office room. I can simply as you said to insert a pen in the hole of dust sensor to make the dust density more condense. Datas change from 350.00 to 764.00 while inserting a pen.But if I mounted the Arduino with an Ethernet shield.
The Arduino got so many zero datas returned from the sensor and some other values were kind of weird (the raw signal value randomly got 18, 47, 35.).Any help will be appreciated. For whatever reason my sensor seems to be outputting the same data after initial bootup, and the numbers seem much lower than others im finding.
I get that.12-ish reading infinitely, regardless of what i insert into the hole, or if I introduce airflow. I’m using a Mega with 5V. Any recommendations?Raw Signal Value (0-1023): 411.00 – Voltage: 2.01 – Dust Density: 0.24Raw Signal Value (0-1023): 315.00 – Voltage: 1.54 – Dust Density: 0.16Raw Signal Value (0-1023): 278.00 – Voltage: 1.36 – Dust Density: 0.13Raw Signal Value (0-1023): 268.00 – Voltage: 1.31 – Dust Density: 0.12Raw Signal Value (0-1023): 264.00 – Voltage: 1.29 – Dust Density: 0.12. It’s worse than that, as you can’t actually get the right timing if you use analogRead. As you say this takes 104uS so if it starts at 280uS then you can’t turn the LED off until at least 384uS when the spec sheet says 320uS. I’ve checked it with a ‘scope and it’s closer to 450uS pulse width, which distorts the output pulseAndyM, you are absolutely right. The worst is that I see the same error replicated on almost every code supposed to be used with this dust sensor.
Without doing anything else, each analogRead takes around 100us. To use the published code we need to play with the ADC prescaler to get an analogRead as lower as 20us to 30us, otherwise the readings are done outside of the specs. Great writing but I’m a little concerned about the “block the hole” method.This sensor measures the reflection of the particles inside the sensor. If there are no particles there is reflection (only a little).If there are particles there is reflection. This sensor most likely calibrated to the reflection factor of the usual particles in the air.If you put something unusual into the hole how can you be sure if the sensor is saturated or not?
What will happen if the object you put into the hole is white or black, glossy or matte?As there is no actual exact data to convert the output voltage of the sensor to dust concentration this sensor won’t be able to serve info about the air pollution anything more than informative unless it is calibrated to something precise instrument. HelloI set the dust sensor correctly for analog output, and found the read out on serial monitor, but I would love to hook it to led lights via breadboard so the out put could be visualized better for a youth air quality ed. Program on a Native American Reservation. My goal is something like this EPA DIY particle sensor described in following link:sensoranyone with more experience might be willing to help with the wiring schematics/ code I would be very grateful!. I’ve set up the system with Arduino Nano and it seems to work good.
Thanks for all information. Now the question 🙂 My readings are offset by approximately 70 (calculated value). The “noise” is about from -70 to -20. Then I get occasional readings in higher range (100-150). Arduino outputs data every second but I log it every 10 seconds (skipping 9 reads).Shall I change the equation to correct for the offset? Negative concentration is probably not reasonable.
The air is quite clean right now I think. Does anyone have a logger (PC, RPi) to log the raw data?Thanks!. Hi,first of all thanks for the great tutorial. I built the circuit and used the updated code for ug/m3 from the Github page. It works, in the sense that I get relatively low values when I just leave the sensor standing, get values of 150 – 200 when I burn a piece of paper near it and I get the maximum (530) when I put a pen in the hole.
However, when I just leave the sensor and look at the serial monitor, the readings vary significantly – in the capture below, from 17 to 83 ug/m3, but I also occasionally get negative ones and ones above 100. This seems like a lot to me. Is this normal? The sensor is in a bedroom, so it makes sense to be a little dusty, but the wide variation seems strange.Thanks in advance.P.S. @FreeriderI went through the same questions.
Here is my experience:1. Don’t trust the code ‘as is’. Adjust the conversion according to your max reading. If that’s 530 counts (out of 1024), this is your “500 ug/m3”.2. Change your code to integrate over e.g. 20 or 60 seconds and calculate an average.
It will give you much more stable results.3. Have your sensor in a plastic bag to have it in the environment as clean as possible.4. Read the representative value. This is your “clean air” and you should use this value to subtract it from the value you read. This way you avoid negative values.
From Dust Activation Code Iphone
You can also implement a code that would not output negative values.I have several sensors that show similar behaviour. They’re very sensitive to foggy weather (I have them outside). I only read raw values and do conversion in bash. I bought the sensor as I thought I could use it completely analog by hooking up a mini DVM. This does not work as the led is too weak when continuous use. Anyway I learnt some things:– be careful when applying power to the led.
From Dust Activation Code Download
At 5v and the 150 ohm resistor you easily go over the maximum 20 mA as stated by sharp-it is easy to open and won’t damage, you can test the led with your phone camera. Also easy to clean the lenses if needed.-you can test the amplifier part by shining an ir-remote control in the hole, you will get some voltage on the output.Pingback:. Hello, I’m wondering something here.If I use:calcVoltage = voMeasured.(5.0/1024); and put a pen in the sensor then I get:Raw Signal Value (0-1023):764.00Voltage:3.72Dust Density:0.53 mg/m^3 = 532.52 ug/m^3So my max signal value is 764 id I scale 5v to 1024 steps. Max voltage is 3.72VIf I use:calcVoltage = voMeasured.(5.0/764); and put a pen in the sensor then I get:Raw Signal Value (0-1023):763.00Voltage:4.99Dust Density:0.75 mg/m^3 = 748.89 ug/m^3So my max signal value is 764 id I scale 5v to 764 steps. Max voltage is 4.99VI’m using arduino uno and sensor is connected to 5v.I assume for my sensor 5.0/1024 is wrong and 5.0/764 is true. Am I correct, any ideas?